The compiler actually turns this shorter, more convenient for/ in statement into a compiler-friendly for loop& and you don't bear the brunt of the work. 编译器实际上把这个更短、更方便的for/in语句变成了一个更加编译器友好的for循环,而且您不会受到这项工作的影响。
It will only be used by the SQL compiler to optimize the federated statement. 它只是被SQL编译器用于优化联邦语句。
The JSP compiler includes the referenced file instead of the include statement. JSP编译器会包含所引用的文件,而不包含include语句。
The statement heap is used as a workspace for the SQL compiler during compilation of an SQL statement. 在SQL语句的编译期间,语句堆(statementheap)用作SQL编译器的工作空间。
The SQL compiler uses query optimization to select the best performing access path for any given SQL statement ( within a reasonable amount of time, of course). SQL编译器使用查询优化来为任何给定的SQL语句选择表现最好的访问路径(当然,这要在合理的时间内)。
With a compiler, a given source statement may be converted to any number of machine-level instructions. 但对于编译程序,一个源语句可以转换任意数目的机器指令。